Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Sony S2 sports Walkman

Getting up in the morning to go jogging is always difficult. I should know! You see, it's all about what you look forward to. If there are pretty gals (or hunks) on the road that you expect to see every day and check out, it makes it that much easier.

But what if the road is empty? Or worse, has only old fogies taking their morning walk? How do you motivate yourself? Unless you're a professional trainer, it's damn difficult to keep up a routine, especially if you love your sleep.

A little bit of music can take off the edge. I remember the times of Walkmans, and Discmans (I'm an old fogey too!). The problem with them was they bounced around, interrupting your rhythm. And there was always the danger of screwing something up because at the end of the day, they were mechanical, and had moving parts.

And then there came the mp3 player, which blasted all other gadgets out of the sky. Perfectly designed to jog with, they have become more and more sophisticated, and have a bundle of features that not only make your exercise routine enjoyable, but also help you out a bit!

Like the Sony S2 Sports Walkman. By now, regular readers of this blog have understood what it takes to be an "Irresistible Goodie". And this sure fits the bill. First of all, there's the unusual look. Unlike other players, it manages to carve a distinct impression. It looks like a cigar. And anything that looks compact, and yet different, is cool.

The controls that manipulate the player, take up just one line, emphasizing the simplicity. The Sony S2 Sports Walkman also helps you to track how much you have run or travelled via the pedometer, which uses an advanced G-Sensor. You can also keep track of how many calories you have burned. It allows you to enter your height, weight, and stride to accurately measure this.

It neatly straps on to your arm with the strap that comes bundled into it. You can enter your goal via time, or distance. Once that goal is reached, the music stops to let you know that your workout is done. It comes with headphones that attach onto your ear so that they don't fall off.

As a final touch, you can keep a log that stores your activity by date so you can actually measure your progress over a period of time. Pretty cool.

Find the best prices for it at

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